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19A Monkstown Farm,

Dun Laoghaire,

Co. Dublin.


  • Approx. 186 Sq.m / 2,002 Sq.Ft (0.045 acres).

  • Development Potential, subject to Planning Permission.

  • Former tyre garage / workshop

  • Easy access of Monkstown and Dun Laoghaire

  • DART at Salthill, Bus Routes, Aircoach & N11.

  • Dublin City centre is approx. 20 minutes by car.


Brady & McCarthy Estate Agents
Brady & McCarthy Estate Agents
Brady & McCarthy Estate Agents
Brady & McCarthy Estate Agents
Brady & McCarthy Estate Agents
Brady & McCarthy Estate Agents
Brady & McCarthy Estate Agents
Brady & McCarthy Estate Agents
Brady & McCarthy Estate Agents


Approx. 186 Sq.m / 2,002 Sq.Ft (0.045 acres). Development Potential, subject to Planning Permission.

19A Monkstown Farm, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin presents a rare opportunity to acquire a former tyre garage / workshop in this highly sought after location within easy access of Monkstown and Dun Laoghaire with their wide variety of amenities.


Transportation is plentiful and includes the DART at Salthill, Bus Routes, Aircoach & N11. Dublin City centre is approx. 20 minutes by car.

ZONING OBJECTIVE 'NC' "To protect, provide for and/or improve neighbourhood”. Residential development is permitted in principle in the NC neighbourhood centre zoning objective that applies to the property.


Disclaimer: Brady & McCarthy and the vendor/lessor give note that the information contained in this brochure do not form any part of any offer or contract, are provided in good faith, and are for guidance only. Maps and plans are not to scale and any measurements are approximate. The particulars, descriptions, dimensions, references to condition, permissions or licences for use or occupation, access and any other details, such as prices, rents or any other outgoings are for guidance only and may be subject to change. Intending purchasers / renters must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of details provided to them either verbally or as part of this brochure. Neither Brady & McCarthy or any of its employees have any authority to make or give any

representation or warranty in respect of this property.

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